Teaching Kindness and Empathy (without Shame and Excessive Guilt)
From some things we hear and even witness, it might feel like kindness doesn’t come very naturally to children and adolescents (or any human for that matter). When we are noticing our kids straying away from their natural inclination to be kind and empathic, we can take an active role in encouraging kindness and empathy and also in instilling a belief system that reflects these characteristics in them as individuals.

Helping Teens Ask for Help Part 1: Why it’s so hard!

Helping Teens Ask for Help Part 3: Planning Communication
The next step in helping teens ask for help, after they identify what they need, is to know how to communicate that need effectively. There are two parts to that next step, 1. Communication Development and 2. Communication and Follow Through. In today’s blog, we are focusing in on 3 ways to build communication development in teens.

Helping Teens Ask for Help Part 2: Identifying What You Need
Today we are addressing the following challenge: Teens and Pre-teens developing the first skills required to effectively ask for help.

Faith +Mindfulness: Resource for Faith-Filled Teens
Neuroscience has found that mindfulness, the focusing of your awareness on the present moment while also acknowledging and accepting your thoughts, feelings and physical sensations can be a powerful tool in the battle against depression and anxiety. Learning to breathe in a focused way and become aware of what’s going on inside of you is one of the first steps you can take to better mental health.

Helping Teens Ask for Help Part 4: The Ask
Although we cannot control how people perceive us, how they hear us, or how they respond to us, we can still take steps to help them understand and make positive results more probable.